Celebrate the works of local artists during Manor of the Plains’ annual Art is Ageless® exhibit.
The exhibit will feature entries from area artists who are 65 years or older.
It will be open March 11 – 20, 2025, from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., at Manor of the Plains, 200 Campus Dr. in Dodge City, Kansas.
The public is welcome to view the exhibit of acrylics, oils, photography and various other mediums, ranging from amateur to professional levels. The exhibit is part of the annual Art is Ageless juried competition. Winning pieces at the community level move on to a masterpiece level judging to determine which pieces will be featured in the 2026 Art is Ageless calendar and note cards.
Local competition winners will be featured on Manor of the Plains’ Facebook page and the Art is Ageless website.
Entries of artistic works will be accepted from any area artist who is aged 65 or older until 4 p.m. on March 10, 2025. Entries must be delivered to Manor of the Plains.
For more information about the exhibit and how to enter, contact Amber Long at 620-225-1928 or adlong@pmma.org.